Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Land O'Lakes Retirees clock countless hours as Store To Door Volunteers!

Being a company that has the same interest in nutrition and food as Store To Door, it is no wonder that we were able to find a few WONDERFUL volunteers that are Land O'Lakes retirees!
Together, Arvada and Cyrilla, two friends who shop at the St. Paul Cub Foods store, have volunteered over 3200 hours EACH with Store To Door! Since 1993, they have been shopping for our customers' orders diligently, welcoming new volunteers as they joined the St. Paul shopping team, and bringing enthusiasm and humor every Friday to the store.
"They always do the best they can," says Jay, the Store Coordinator.

"We really enjoy shopping together, we've built such a close-knit team at the St. Paul store." shared Arvada. "We are also so happy that Land O'Lakes provides Dollars for Doers. They donate $250 to Store TO Door each year for the time we spend volunteering, Between the two of us, that's $500 a year we are able to raise for Store To Door!"

Thank you Arvada and Cyrilla for your spectacular volunteerism with Store To Door!

(If you are interested in joining the Store To Door volunteer shopping team at the St. Paul location - contact molly at or 651-642-1892)

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