Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Volunteer Profile - Nancy H.

What is my role: I am a Store To Door shopper and work every other week for 3 or more hours selecting ordered groceries.

How long have I been with Store to Door: I have been with Store to Door since September 2007.

How did I learn about it? I have a friend who said he was shopping and delivering and he thought I would enjoy it since I love grocery shopping. This kind of shopping is far different though.

What is my favorite thing about Store to Door: Feeling that I am helping someone with their grocery shopping and making their lives easier. I also love the bending and stretching involved as a free exercise program.

If I could only eat five things the rest of my life what would they be: Ice Cream, pineapple, homemade bread, fish, asparagus

What is the most interesting thing I have seen in a customer order? Every two weeks 7 pints of Haagen Daz coffee ice cream and 5 or so boxes of White Castles.

Share a story of someone I have met through Store to Door: A woman and her teenage daughter who came in before school for a period of time and worked together. We rarely see such a young person doing this. It was great.

When not promoting senior nutrition and volunteering what do I do? Retired a couple years ago and found this, along with my local library and gardening groups to work with. I believe in giving back to the community and have done volunteer work for years through organizations and on my own. Love it. And take one or two trips to foreign places yearly.

What has surprised me most about Store to Door: It is so professional and well organized. Very impressive. Wish we could be in all Cub stores.

Describe Store to Door in five words: timely helpful shopping and delivery

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